All Hacked Flash Games


Effective Attack

5834 plays                      

Cheats: Fuel Hack

Hacked By: Kody104    

Mars Massacre 3D

7680 plays                      

Cheats: More energy added

Hacked By: Carpet    

Liam Finn - I

6211 plays                      

Cheats: More lives added

Hacked By: Carpet    

Escape The Uberkids

6118 plays                      

Cheats: Money and health

Hacked By: Carpet    


6211 plays                      

Cheats: Playerhealth increased and virushealth decreased.

Hacked By: Carpet    

The Great Sperm Race

21741 plays                      

Cheats: Invincible, Increased time

Hacked By: SandSpur    

ATV Blitz

9638 plays                      

Cheats: More money and finish time for every level quadrupled

Hacked By: Carpet    

Mining Truck 2 Trolley Transport

120997 plays                      

Cheats: Free Upgrades - 1000 Time limit on each level

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Champions of Chaos

136980 plays                      

Cheats: Press 1 for +1000 gold - 2 for 100 health and mana for player 1 - for 100 health ...

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Biolabs: Outbreak

14230 plays                      

Cheats: Antidote amount increases

Hacked By: SandSpur    

Zombie Bites

16976 plays                      

Cheats: Infinite Jumps (like you are flying)

Hacked By: leverage419    

SpongeBob Boo or Boom

35899 plays                      

Cheats: More Time

Hacked By: Anonymous

Super Pirate Isle

5023 plays                      

Cheats: More Lives

Hacked By: Anonymous

Underground Terror

7930 plays                      

Cheats: Health, ammo and all weapons unlocked

Hacked By: Carpet    


7043 plays                      

Cheats: Infinite Lives

Hacked By: Anonymous

Tomorrow, when the war began

19586 plays                      

Cheats: Health, money, grenades and instant reloading

Hacked By: Carpet    

First Person Shooter In Real Life 5

22921 plays                      

Cheats: Infinite Health

Hacked By: Carpet    

Camelot Smashalot

11082 plays                      

Cheats: A lot of ammo.

Hacked By: selectLOL       

The Simpsons Zombie Game

11541 plays                      

Cheats: Infinite ammo

Hacked By: Carpet    


12836 plays                      

Cheats: Everything is free

Hacked By: Carpet    

<<1. . . .639640641642643644645646647. . . .827>>( 16538 games )
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