All Hacked Flash Games


You Have No Legs

13 this month                      

Cheats: Invincibility (Health goes into a negative value)

Hacked By: Proditor    

Luigi's Mansion

13 this month                      

Cheats: Lives Hack

Hacked By: Deathnote202    

SpongeBob Squarepants in the Ship O' Ghouls

13 this month                      

Cheats: Gain lives instead of losing them

Hacked By: Anonymous

Chalkzone: Double Trouble

13 this month                      

Cheats: Health and lives

Hacked By: Anonymous

Pink Archer

13 this month                      

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Arrows

Hacked By: leverage419    

Rapid Fire 1

13 this month                      

Cheats: A lot of money, health and ammo. NOTE: Don't buy mines as waves won't ...

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Donkey BoM

13 this month                      

Cheats: Tries "Lives"

Hacked By: thelemonman    

Undead Tower Defence

13 this month                      

Cheats: Press 1 for money - 2 for health

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Sniper Hero

13 this month                      

Cheats: They can't shoot at you.

Hacked By: Carpet    

Christmas Card Shoot em Up

13 this month                      

Cheats: Lives

Hacked By: Anonymous

Adventures of Guy RPG

13 this month                      

Cheats: Health - Gold - Magic points - Stats increased to 9999.

Hacked By: Anonymous

Monsters vs. Aliens - Gallaxhar Invades!

13 this month                      

Cheats: Infinite Lives

Hacked By: Anonymous

star bear brother

13 this month                      

Cheats: Lives

Hacked By: thelemonman    


13 this month                      

Cheats: Experience Points - Each Armor level 100x Stronger - Ammo for all weapons and sp ...

Hacked By: DPETTY    


13 this month                      

Cheats: You don't lose lives

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Burger Resturaunt 2

13 this month                      

Cheats: You make a ton of Money. You just can't see it until you make some money.

Hacked By: AceAnderson    

The Ninja Game

13 this month                      

Cheats: Invulnerability (NOTE:PRESS "R" if you want to kill yourself.)

Hacked By: leverage419    

Helicops Territories

13 this month                      

Cheats: Money - Helli's use no Fuel

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Polar Rescue

13 this month                      

Cheats: Lives and Snowballs

Hacked By: Anonymous

Flash Trek Broken Mirror 1

13 this month                      

Cheats: 899999999 Deuranium -899999999 Antimatter - 899999999 La ...

Hacked By: Themanhunt    

<<1. . . .250251252253254255256257258. . . .827>>( 16538 games )
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