Cheats: Unlimited lives, a lot of money and colorpoints.
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Unlimited Lives,Ammo & Clip size for all weapons
Hacked By: Proditor
Cheats: Press 1 when you're at the shop menu for infinite money!
Hacked By: roflmao987
Cheats: All Skins unlocked (Levels are unlocked anyway,you just ...
Hacked By: Proditor
Cheats: You gain health instead of losing it,and you gain multiplier instead of losing i ...
Hacked By: roflmao987
Cheats: Press "H" for Health - "B" for Bombs - "M" for Met ...
Hacked By: DPETTY
, ProditorCheats: Lots of Money & Life after Death (Invincibility)
Hacked By: Proditor
Cheats: Money, a lot of health and lives (you can still die in holes!)
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Money will be added instead of subtracted - Upgrades are free
Hacked By: Galactius
Cheats: Health and buying give you lava balls.
Hacked By: selectLOL
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