All Hacked Flash Games


Climate Revenge

17 this month                      

Cheats: Infinite Rain and Wind

Hacked By: Galactius    

Deadpile Rampage

17 this month                      

Cheats: Unlimited health & your special and regular ammo will increase instead of de ...

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Pumpkin Wars

17 this month                      

Cheats: 99 lives and power-ups - Speed, damage and live upgraded to level 6 - 200000 upg ...

Hacked By: psychotools    

touch the core

17 this month                      

Cheats: Invincible & All levels unlocked

Hacked By: pinpin80    

Belly Flop Hero

17 this month                      

Cheats: Money hack

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Aztec God

17 this month                      

Cheats: MANA - Note: After the tutorial levels!

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Zombie Slaughter Turbo Edition

17 this month                      

Cheats: More money added

Hacked By: Carpet    

Mother Judgement

17 this month                      

Cheats: Infinite health - Weapons unlocked - Bullettime increased

Hacked By: Carpet    

Ice Breakers

17 this month                      

Cheats: Infinite Health

Hacked By: leverage419    


17 this month                      

Cheats: Eyes unlocked from the start

Hacked By: Galactius    


17 this month                      

Cheats: A lot of money and enemies dont hurt you.

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Zombie Bites

17 this month                      

Cheats: Infinite Jumps (like you are flying)

Hacked By: leverage419    

Street Skater Project Long Beach

17 this month                      

Cheats: 10x More Time between Checkpoints!

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Monsters Vs Aliens - Save Earth As Only A Monster Can

17 this month                      

Cheats: Infinite Health

Hacked By: Anonymous

Zombie Infestation: Strain 116

17 this month                      

Cheats: Increased health - Increased armour - Near infinite ammo ...

Hacked By: Themanhunt    

Burger Resturaunt 2

17 this month                      

Cheats: You make a ton of Money. You just can't see it until you make some money.

Hacked By: AceAnderson    

Helicops Territories

17 this month                      

Cheats: Money - Helli's use no Fuel

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Sleep Walk

17 this month                      

Cheats: Press key 1 to go to the next level - Press key 2 to go back a level - - Built-i ...

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Army Rider

17 this month                      

Cheats: Infinite Lives

Hacked By: Willy    

Polar Rescue

17 this month                      

Cheats: Lives and Snowballs

Hacked By: Anonymous

<<1. . . .380381382383384385386387388. . . .827>>( 16538 games )
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