Cheats: Infinite Bullets and $10.000 instead if $100 Starting-Cash
Hacked By: Carpet
Cheats: Infinite Health - No Gun Overheat - Torpedo Fire Rate Increased - All Planes Sp ...
Hacked By: DPETTY
Cheats: Strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, life and mana all 999, you can& ...
Hacked By: Carpet
Cheats: Infinite ammo and no reloading
Hacked By: Carpet
Cheats: You can draw 101 of each box, everytime you die you get a life, 999999999999 ene ...
Hacked By: Carpet
, DPETTYCheats: Computer opponents can't use powerups, and powerups Range and damage time i ...
Hacked By: DPETTY
Cheats: Opponents can't use powerups, and powerups have been modified - whether it ...
Hacked By: DPETTY
Cheats: Infinite Health and Anger for ALL characters
Hacked By: MiguelRaimond
Cheats: Bunnies and bunny egg limits decreased, times on burners, painters etc. decrease ...
Hacked By: jar555
Cheats: If you lose all your lives you win,need 1 point for gold medal each level!
Hacked By: Proditor
Cheats: More health and ammo for all weapons added
Hacked By: Carpet
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