All Hacked Flash Games


RedEye 1031

11917 plays                      

Cheats: Invincibility

Hacked By: roflmao987    

One vs Many

10401 plays                      

Cheats: Press H for Health - E for faster Energy regain - X for Experience & Weapon ...

Hacked By: Proditor    

Chute Defence

8392 plays                      

Cheats: Enemies gives you health, buying gives you money, instant upgrading.

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Pixel Launch

10071 plays                      

Cheats: Lots of money,purchases add money instead of subtract,the amount of shots left(a ...

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Friday The 24th

26223 plays                      

Cheats: Enemies do no damage & unlimited rage - Press the "1" key to end t ...

Hacked By: roflmao987    , selectLOL       

Zeus Vs Hera

10701 plays                      

Cheats: Health - 1 kill to get "SUPER!" - Earthquakes - You can shoot thunder ...

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Ghost Hacker v 1.5.1

24638 plays                      

Cheats: Cheats enabled.

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Forks And Arrows

17064 plays                      

Cheats: Money,Wall Health,All weapons & specials bought,Purchases add money instead ...

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Noob Saibot Kreate a Fatality (Version 2)

82846 plays                      

Cheats: Infinite time to finish moves

Hacked By: Kody104    

5 Minutes to Kill yourself 2: Family Reunion

55539 plays                      

Cheats: 60 minutes

Hacked By: Deathnote202    

Notebook Wars

24416 plays                      

Cheats: Health - "See Note Below!"

Hacked By: DPETTY    


21364 plays                      

Cheats: Money - Lives

Hacked By: roflmao987    

That Gravity Game

33135 plays                      

Cheats: Invincibility, Infinite Jumping **Note** Don't stand in acid, spikes, e ...

Hacked By: Kody104    , roflmao987    


8847 plays                      

Cheats: Collect one stick of butter for infinite butter in the butter bar - You can jump ...

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Castle Hero

22496 plays                      

Cheats: Health, ammo, defense, points, press 1 - 8 and q, w, e, r, t, z, u, and i to cas ...

Hacked By: selectLOL       

You Have No Legs

24333 plays                      

Cheats: Invincibility (Health goes into a negative value)

Hacked By: Proditor    

Bloody Sunset

32838 plays                      

Cheats: Invincible Base - Loads of Money & All Ammo and Clip sized increased to 500/ ...

Hacked By: Proditor    

Diesel Valkyrie vs The Undead Reich

9884 plays                      

Cheats: Health - Lives - Ammo

Hacked By: DPETTY    


12656 plays                      

Cheats: Add 10% to your current speed each time you press "S" -- Basically lik ...

Hacked By: Proditor    

Saturday Night Bloodfest

16380 plays                      

Cheats: Instant reloading - Allot of weapon points - Gain health ...

Hacked By: selectLOL       

<<1. . . .116117118119120121122123124. . . .827>>( 16538 games )
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