Cheats: 5,000,000 Money, 500 Lives, 500 Skill Points, 500 Food, 500 Water and 500 Contin ...
Hacked By: greeny6000*1
Cheats: 99999 Lives, 99999 Gold, 99999 Score, 99999 Food, 99999 Wood.
Hacked By: mathewthe2
Cheats: 999999 Money and 9999999 Average Distance at game start of your character.
Hacked By: mathewthe2
Cheats: 99999health, 100000 money and 999999 kills.
Hacked By: mathewthe2
Cheats: everything to max at game start, more points, more time, a lot of money, more po ...
Hacked By: mathewthe2
Cheats: Hp, Mp, Stars,Elixers,Rocks, all cheats enabled ( cheats are here: CHEAT_SUPERFJ ...
Hacked By: mathewthe2
Cheats: Money, Income, Health, 1 hp for enemy, credits
Hacked By: mathewthe2
Cheats: More money, more lives, more points, tower stats.
Hacked By: mathewthe2
Cheats: Lives, Grenades, Ammo, Start with machine gun, all following weapons also have u ...
Hacked By: RJT
Cheats: Infinite oil, infinite money, year, and election frequency
Hacked By: hpotter357
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