All Hacked Flash Games


Goblin's Heart

12395 plays                      

Cheats: 5 Million Gold Coins and 5 Million Health

Hacked By: greeny6000*1    

Private Pwn

8015 plays                      

Cheats: Speed cheat, grenade cheat, health cheat, ammo cheat, and power up timer cheat.

Hacked By: jbdogtag    

Penguin Battle

32582 plays                      

Cheats: 999 rockets and 999 grenades.

Hacked By: jbdogtag    


11089 plays                      

Cheats: 999 lives and +1000 to score when you collect eggs or kill enemy

Hacked By: jbdogtag    

Village Defense

24926 plays                      

Cheats: Money and Health Hack. In some levels, you can't get the best gun also, in ...

Hacked By: sme11y    

N Game

103209 plays                      

Cheats: +9999999999 to time each time collecting one gold square, He runs a little fas ...

Hacked By: killer1478    

Robot War Strategy

28436 plays                      

Cheats: Instant spawn, huge number of lives, most things cost 1, 999 upgrade points.

Hacked By: Camo Cat    

Stalingrad 2

79473 plays                      

Cheats: Money Hack

Hacked By: Just1nkr3d1bl3    

Revenge of the Stick

26255 plays                      

Cheats: Money hack, and a "head" hack.

Hacked By: Just1nkr3d1bl3    

Hero RPG

28202 plays                      

Cheats: Infinite Health, Mana, and Money and Super STR.

Hacked By: silverneo188    

StarCraft FA 3

29416 plays                      

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Progress Points (PP) - [2] Cash

Hacked By: leverage419    

Bubble Trouble

473708 plays                      

Cheats: 999 lives

Hacked By: DeathWillDie*1    

Pirate Race

27900 plays                      

Cheats: Faster boat and rotation and everything in shop is 1 gold.

Hacked By: jbdogtag    

Demonic Defence 3

12832 plays                      

Cheats: Money hack and health hack.

Hacked By: Just1nkr3d1bl3    

Final Defense

14879 plays                      

Cheats: Unlimited health, Unlimited power, 999 mines, shock waves, and bombs, Upgr ...

Hacked By: jbdogtag    

Zombie Arena

13986 plays                      

Cheats: 9999 ammo to all weapons, 999 mines, Instant rage after one kill, Faster movemen ...

Hacked By: jbdogtag    

Lethal RPG Destiny

44553 plays                      

Cheats: 99999999 Magic, 99999999 Money, 999999 EXP Point and Level 999

Hacked By: axzus    

Zombie Horde

20451 plays                      

Cheats: Lives: 99999999, Money: 99999999 and Ammo: 999

Hacked By: hel1figh1er    

Anti TD

26495 plays                      

Cheats: Infinite Money - Robots are stronger - Robots are a bit faster, just a bit - Ve ...

Hacked By: AceAnderson    

GunMaster Onslaught 2

68796 plays                      

Cheats: Lots of health and ammo.

Hacked By: jar555    

<<1. . . .565758596061626364. . . .827>>( 16538 games )
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