Zomblower Hacked

lightbutton Play Zomblower Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Feb 09, 2011 6938 Plays Arcade 2.89 MB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Upgrades cost 0 - Grenade Amount , Decreased Throw Delay and Total Score Increased (Increased all of them up to 100 times.)

Game Information
Throw your grenades just right to blow up the zombies, but not the innocent bystanders.

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joe50752's avatar
joe50752      (more than a year ago)

well yeah i put it 99 on all of the upgrades and blue screen.

Jumponkill's avatar
Jumponkill      (more than a year ago)

blue screen when all max upgrades

Slovak's avatar
Slovak      (more than a year ago)

Fix it and hack level skiping :)

joedimop's avatar
joedimop      (more than a year ago)

it dose work

Marxsled's avatar
Marxsled      (more than a year ago)

you dont need upgrades evreythings perfect with hacks

shafan's avatar
shafan      (more than a year ago)

Well i wasn't even upgrading yet and got blue screen

tulnukas200's avatar
tulnukas200     (more than a year ago)

i got that too

S1u K3un9's avatar
S1u K3un9      (more than a year ago)


leverage419's avatar
leverage419           (more than a year ago)

Yeah, you are right it wont play if you max everything. Just max what is needed or necessary.

leverage419's avatar
leverage419           (more than a year ago)

It loads guys.

jch02140's avatar
jch02140     (more than a year ago)

It only loads normally when you don't upgrade to max. Once you upgrade everything to max any level you load will only be blue screen...

tulnukas200's avatar
tulnukas200     (more than a year ago)

i waited 1 hour and it didnt yet loaded...blue screen

tulnukas200's avatar
tulnukas200     (more than a year ago)

ps. i didnt uprgade everything to max cuz u said in "whats the hack:" that u've already done it

Argon1st's avatar
Argon1st      (more than a year ago)

wow..............all i have to say is the game sucks.....it didnt let me play some times just a blue screen

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