Hacked By: selectLOL
Hack Information:
Tab enabled - press 1 - 4 to switch between the scenes
Game Information
Play as a blood-thirsty alien mess and cause mayhem around you.
Cheats: Hackmenu (Backslash (\) Open/Close): Press [1] Win level - [...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [G] Toggle health - [H] Toggle mana - [J] Lev...
Hacked By: selectLOL
I don't this sucks but I don't know how to play :(
i really dont f!*King get it
if you say that this game sucks fu-ck you this game is awsome yur just stupid the people who created this game should be ashamed cause they actuly did sh-it your an as-s if you say this gAME SUCKS i want to see you make a game thumbs me down who gives a shi-t are acuay doing anything NO so i woundt say this game sucks i saw an ugly as-s game that lasted a second horrible graphcs terrible game bu this is what people said it could be better.i sucks but the person actuly did something not
i played this one time on bubblebox its so gory
if you say that this game sucks fu-ck you this game is awsome yur just stupid the people who created this game should be ashamed cause they actuly did sh-it your an as-s if you say this gAME SUCKS i want to see you make a game thumbs me down who gives a shi-t are acuay doing anything NO so i woundt say this game sucks i saw an ugly as-s game that lasted a second horrible graphcs terrible game bu this is what people said it could be better.i sucks but the person actuly did something not
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