Heli Storm 2 Hacked

lightbutton Play Heli Storm 2 Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Feb 13, 2011 9422 Plays Shooting 2.91 MB

Hacked By: Anonymous

Hack Information:
Missiles - Fuel - Health "It will decrease a bit, but after that it won't decrease"

Requested By: jakeyjoey

Game Information
Follow the yellow radar dots to the targets, protect the convoy trucks, and try to destroy the artillery in time!

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Ezioo33's avatar
Ezioo33      (more than a year ago)

To the guns dont stop firing just dont let your machenegun to the red and use the rockets

StarPlayer's avatar
StarPlayer      (more than a year ago)


lordkill136's avatar
lordkill136      (more than a year ago)

yo you get about half way into the game and your gun and missiles stop working. fix it or frankly it sucks.

wyattben123's avatar
wyattben123      (more than a year ago)

i luv it

defense50's avatar
defense50      (more than a year ago)

im new comer,but i like the game...thanks.

SolidSnake156's avatar
SolidSnake156      (more than a year ago)

i cant kill artillery too

gentle68's avatar
gentle68      (more than a year ago)

Finally a good game, but yet you gave the ground units inf health too... SOO CLOSE!

crvann's avatar
crvann     (more than a year ago)

what there are tons of good games

jakeyjoey's avatar
jakeyjoey           (more than a year ago)

thankyou super dragon fruit!!! i had to bump so many times.

killerJTR's avatar
killerJTR      (more than a year ago)

The game is very glitchy for me.

greenday0x4's avatar
greenday0x4      (more than a year ago)

i cant shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!:(

greenday0x4's avatar
greenday0x4     (more than a year ago)

lol im out of ammo

greenday0x4's avatar
greenday0x4     (more than a year ago)

plz up!!!!

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