Nano Tank Hacked

lightbutton Play Nano Tank Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Feb 15, 2011 7791 Plays Shooting 1.24 MB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Lives (NOTE: Just Don't mind the Lives status/indicator.)

Game Information
Shooting all enemies to survive as long as possible and get a highscore. There are many weapons with different power in the game.

Game Instructions: WASD or array keys: move, Left mouse click: Fire, Spacebar: Bomb, M: Sound, R: Return to menu

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Whiteknight345's avatar
Whiteknight345      (more than a year ago)

I love the upgrade where you shoot rapidly with those rainbow shooters.

dat227's avatar
dat227      (more than a year ago)

2.spam bomb
3.repeat 4. epic ownage and lag

Strikeflier72's avatar
Strikeflier72      (more than a year ago)


jbeat2k9's avatar
jbeat2k9      (more than a year ago)

1. Get green power up twice,
2. sit in corner of screen,
3. move mouse around screen with mouse button held down,
4. ?????
5. Profit!

idntknwhuur's avatar
idntknwhuur      (more than a year ago)

H4 H4 H4! 1337... NIC3

_X-WaZiR-X_'s avatar
_X-WaZiR-X_      (more than a year ago)

C00l G4m3

CJiang's avatar
CJiang      (more than a year ago)

the games intense

Castle's avatar
Castle      (more than a year ago)

all is better yhan aa real life!!!

lovemehateme's avatar
lovemehateme      (more than a year ago)


themguyman's avatar
themguyman      (more than a year ago)

invincibility would have been better

dz8003's avatar
dz8003     (more than a year ago)

but its going to be VERY easy and then theres no point of playing the game

Whiteknight345's avatar
Whiteknight345     (more than a year ago)

Invincibility makes the game too easy.

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