RPG Rider Hacked

lightbutton Play RPG Rider Unhacked

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Feb 19, 2011 7907 Plays Racing 2.39 MB

Hacked By: Anonymous

Hack Information:
You take no damage

Game Information
Hop in your bike or ATV in this RPG style racer!

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DaHoboAtWalMart's avatar
DaHoboAtWalMart      (more than a year ago)

whyd they say thumbs DOWN?

Fallen7D3ad7's avatar
Fallen7D3ad7      (more than a year ago)

my head is always in the ground...

sriker's avatar
sriker      (more than a year ago)

found a sik glich. lvl 2or 3 in the pit ur wheel gets stuk and it shoots u out. i dont expect thumbs up cus this comment is dumb so dont thumb it at all

sriker's avatar
sriker      (more than a year ago)

the main menu makes it look like u kil stuff. thats miss leading. can i sue?

sriker's avatar
sriker      (more than a year ago)

this game teaches us a very important lesson.........Santa has a very odd love life

sriker's avatar
sriker      (more than a year ago)

wat the hell

peanut2s's avatar
peanut2s      (more than a year ago)

this i just a regular rider game without rpg elements at all.perhaps the RPG in the game name represents that crazy guy in a costume with a fake sword on his back?

hanadsa90's avatar
hanadsa90      (more than a year ago)

what the fxck is santa doing

paul227227's avatar
paul227227      (more than a year ago)

this game has no point

kalriz's avatar
kalriz      (more than a year ago)

is there any point to this game at all?

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