OwnAge Burst Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jun 06, 2009 37716 Plays Shooting 1.82 MB

Hacked By: 8uurg    

Hack Information:
Hacks: Speed, Grenades and No Damage

Game Information
Kill hundreds of enemies in this senseless action flash game. Avoid mortal shots while head shooting random baddies and then roll for cover with the lateral jump, or throw grenades to see them blown to pieces.

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Park412's avatar
Park412      (more than a year ago)

bullshet!!!! no damage but it has a lot of damage and uninfinite grenades

Park412's avatar
Park412      (more than a year ago)

Fuccking game!thumbs up if not!

bryants39's avatar
bryants39      (more than a year ago)

put all lvls

bryants39's avatar
bryants39      (more than a year ago)

put all the lvls and would be better and more weapons

Hacker112's avatar
Hacker112      (more than a year ago)

dust hack

raniel999's avatar
raniel999      (more than a year ago)

lol when you keep throwing grenades at someone, they explode over and over again

Wal's avatar
Wal      (more than a year ago)

:( my body and my gun and grenades dissapeared..

deathknight5608's avatar
deathknight5608      (more than a year ago)

Professor Oak is mad!

kestonlamers's avatar
kestonlamers      (more than a year ago)

hacks dont work it says no damage it has damage what dumb jump

IGoDz's avatar
IGoDz      (more than a year ago)

Hold W for epicness.

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