Hacked By: dalvo
Hack Information:
Money and Potions
Game Information
It has been six years since you took down the Krytick general and his gunship Oblivion in an Lethal RPG - Lost Sweeper and you are back in the second chapter in great Lethal RPG - Resurrection. You have come in contact with a group of rebels that oppose the Krytick covertly. Start by creating your custom warrior and start dominating. Follow the storyline and complete main quests. Get achievements by finishing all the side quests, dominating Dantes and winning all tournaments. Use the arriw keys to walk and use your mouse to interact with items and menus. When you attack enemy in battle screen press up arrow key to start, then press it again when the marker hits the red section.
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [Z] Toggle health - [U] Toggle cooldown - [I]...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [3] Toggle Health - [4] Toggle Hunger - [5] ...
Hacked By: leverage419
and the Jaggered Edge is very powerfull
i have all orbs in Lethal mode
p.s. Mai gun lvl ish ovar 9000(or 500)
**GAME NOTE: Additional Games Available
Look for the entire Lethal RPG Series on APH.
**Lethal RPG Destiny 2 was recently posted (as of 11/8/2011).
i spent all my money =P
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