7 Hours to Sunrise Hacked

lightbutton Play 7 Hours to Sunrise Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Feb 27, 2011 20929 Plays Beat em Up 567.32 KB

Hacked By: Galactius    

Hack Information:
Lots of ammo - Lots of 'Cecils' - Lots of money

Requested By: Requester159

Game Information
Your mission in this small survival game is to defend yourself against brain hungry zombies until the sunrise. If the zombie touches you, it is game over. The zombies will come in 7 waves (levels), each increasing the zombies numbers, spawn times, and strength. In between levels, you may buy new equipment, ammo, and other supplies in Gramps' store. Use YOUR MOUSE to aim and click LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to shoot. Press the SPACEBAR to change weapons. And press "C" KEY to summon Cecil. Have fun!

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Johnston21's avatar
Johnston21      (more than a year ago)

space bar

Johnston21's avatar
Johnston21      (more than a year ago)


taikyn's avatar
taikyn      (more than a year ago)

wait why cant he just jump in the guys lawnmowwer and ride away???

recessionkid's avatar
recessionkid      (more than a year ago)

i didn't know you can call cecil until it was too late

Jimster123's avatar
Jimster123      (more than a year ago)

Great Game! I LOVE IT! thumbs up uf you do too! :D

Thebuzz's avatar
Thebuzz      (more than a year ago)

Short but fun.

8770snake's avatar
8770snake      (more than a year ago)


qwerty61007's avatar
qwerty61007      (more than a year ago)

wtf i died

DrDeath's avatar
DrDeath      (more than a year ago)

It took me for ever to find out that it was space bar to switch your weapons. since we had unlimited cecil all i had to worry about was the top part of all the zombies

goosebumps0990's avatar
goosebumps0990      (more than a year ago)

why doesnt the old man inside the building help u like that is so dumb rate up if u think im right

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