Game Information
Your mission in this small survival game is to defend yourself against brain hungry zombies until the sunrise. If the zombie touches you, it is game over. The zombies will come in 7 waves (levels), each increasing the zombies numbers, spawn times, and strength. In between levels, you may buy new equipment, ammo, and other supplies in Gramps' store. Use YOUR MOUSE to aim and click LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to shoot. Press the SPACEBAR to change weapons. And press "C" KEY to summon Cecil. Have fun!
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Godmode - [2] Toggle Tries - [3] W...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [A] Health - [S] Firerate Boost - [D] Shield...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle godmode - [2] Keys - [3] Gold
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