Unlimited Zombies Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jun 18, 2009 28089 Plays Defence 5.33 MB

Hacked By: greeny6000*1    

Hack Information:
Lots of money and health

Game Information
Kill the endless waves of oncoming zombies, then buy health and upgrades with the money you make.

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4570's avatar
4570      (more than a year ago)

susssssssssssh be very very quite iam hunting zombies

antz007's avatar
antz007      (more than a year ago)

got 500 kills at start no lies

antz007's avatar
antz007      (more than a year ago)

150 kills in 2.5 seconds no lies

IOglol's avatar
IOglol      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up for unlimited every thing

xxcrzay124's avatar
xxcrzay124      (more than a year ago)

100 bulits in 2.5 sec

flaregun498's avatar
flaregun498      (more than a year ago)

Jacking up zombies is a real deal!

yevgenny0027's avatar
yevgenny0027      (more than a year ago)

when the zombies died sounds like a poop

mathboy7's avatar
mathboy7      (more than a year ago)

i was playing this while i was listening the song shoot the zombies

xXhalofreakXx's avatar
xXhalofreakXx      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up hell yeah dudezz

travstar22's avatar
travstar22      (more than a year ago)

if u luv zombie games thumbs up :)

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