Omega Box Hacked

lightbutton Play Omega Box Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Mar 06, 2011 11929 Plays Action 259 B

Hacked By: Anonymous

Hack Information:
Key Hacks: Press 1 for 99999 upgrade medals - Press 2 for a highscore of 20000000 so you can acess the secret document.

Requested By: bananafan

Game Information
Can you survive the experiments the Omega Box will put you through?

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gunrunner87's avatar
gunrunner87      (more than a year ago)

( . Y . ) ------ TITTIES

razed's avatar
razed      (more than a year ago)

when you start go to the left to see an easter egg

EnzoB's avatar
EnzoB      (more than a year ago)

I love the new style of the Website!

bondigitti's avatar
bondigitti      (more than a year ago)

arcadeprehacks rocks..... thumbs up uf u agree....
thumbs down if your a gay

Dragon2LvlX's avatar
Dragon2LvlX      (more than a year ago)

whats the point of the classified area?

ingolord's avatar
ingolord      (more than a year ago)

Omega is a greek letter but this is about fairies...

hobosobotvok's avatar
hobosobotvok      (more than a year ago)

the tachyon generator makes u invincible after it charges up
the classified area adds a plasma ball that adds 20x more than a normal ball

AdzAdz's avatar
AdzAdz     (more than a year ago)

i agree, but the fairies are a bit too unrealistic. i would add some more pressure excubators to them or they would just kill all the jackals.

SeerNoNo's avatar
SeerNoNo     (more than a year ago)

nice joke,alto of-topic still a good relax tool.YOU ROCK

thedrewpup's avatar
thedrewpup      (more than a year ago)

i dont get this game but its very addicting and fun

fghr23's avatar
fghr23      (more than a year ago)

go arcadeprehacks you guys rock

BlackStar232's avatar
BlackStar232      (more than a year ago)

arcadeprehacks rocks..... thumbs up uf u agree....
thumbs down if your a gay

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