Gunrox Once Upon a Time in Gibson City Hacked

lightbutton Play Gunrox Once Upon a Time in Gibson City Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Mar 06, 2011 16688 Plays Adventure 3.67 MB

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Hack Information:
Weapons Unlocked - Infinite Ammo - Invincible Players - Cid Unlocked

Game Information
Find out what stands behind alien invasion and mysterious activity in Gibson City.

  • Currently 3/5
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xXProdigyyXx's avatar
xXProdigyyXx      (more than a year ago)

Like This Comment for nothing xD

Razerlol's avatar
Razerlol      (more than a year ago)

this game is just not great. for me its insane awesome!~

lolz12's avatar
lolz12      (more than a year ago)

Sorry to say its kinda boring when im using Cid im bored circling around the city while killing big heads lol.

PS: 7/10 is my rating

Soulharvestor's avatar
Soulharvestor      (more than a year ago)


marktan07's avatar
marktan07      (more than a year ago)


troller2seconds's avatar
troller2seconds     (more than a year ago)

invinsible players meens infinite health dude

marktan07's avatar
marktan07      (more than a year ago)


leonsc12's avatar
leonsc12      (more than a year ago)

Martain Ristov probarbly Retired cuz i havent seen any hacks from him in a long time

yyyhhh06's avatar
yyyhhh06      (more than a year ago)

2 THUMBS UP!!!!!!!!!

mrlaffsmilez's avatar
mrlaffsmilez      (more than a year ago)

dpeety is frigin awsum and u think he suks il find u and rip ur i out and shovet a gernade down ur throte then pul the pin becuz dpety iz like3 a third god

joshjet99's avatar
joshjet99     (more than a year ago)

Learn to spell Douche bag

thanks121's avatar
thanks121      (more than a year ago)

DPETTY is the best!!!

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