A.L.I.A.S 2 Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jun 18, 2009 16842 Plays Shooting 584.99 KB

Hacked By: Iamazn    

Hack Information:
Life, fire rate and faster walking speed.

Game Information
In this action packed multi level game, you've to help A.L.I.A.S to battle his way through the army base and blast all the enemies and obstacles with his high fire rate gun. At the end of the game, your score will be multiplied by the number corresponding to the chosen difficulty level. Have fun killing all of these nasty inferior beings...Good Luck, you will need it!

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vastchub123's avatar
vastchub123      (more than a year ago)

this game is FU**IN* ANNOYING...

kilerlol2t98's avatar
kilerlol2t98      (more than a year ago)

hey guyplay seleclol games he is the greaest hacker in the whole wide world :D

lolman4u's avatar
lolman4u      (more than a year ago)

sux eggs

sonicguy's avatar
sonicguy      (more than a year ago)

i hate the hack.it only worked on lvl 1

katoriz's avatar
katoriz      (more than a year ago)

health back on 100 % after end level 1. Kill him...

thunderbolt's avatar
thunderbolt      (more than a year ago)

when u got hit by the weights,u must go run back till u drop from the sky

k6ka's avatar
k6ka      (more than a year ago)

health stops working after level 1

jakebowers11's avatar
jakebowers11      (more than a year ago)

god its sh*t int not even got a life hack

Dragonmaniac's avatar
Dragonmaniac      (more than a year ago)

oh man, if you get hit by one of those heavyweights, the game spazzes out! what the hell, man!

ferat's avatar
ferat      (more than a year ago)

he jump jump and jump!!!!

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