Hacked By: leverage419
Hack Information:
Key Hack:PRESS 1 to skip the level NOTE: You need to press at least one time the left mouse in the game or the hack wont work, its because of the game).
Game Information
You have to solve all 39 levels of brain-busting puzzles by using your brain. Can you able to solve all levels?
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Money - [2] Items - [3] Remove fails
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [G] Toggle Health - [H] Toggle Rapid Fire - [...
Hacked By: leverage419
level 9??
The first one was hard.
1 1 Change the to a x (click on it)=1
lol my brain is a rock
wat do i do in lvl 8
Spell "TENOR" with the letters.
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