Demolition City v1 Hacked

lightbutton Play Demolition City v1 Unhacked

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Mar 18, 2011 20080 Plays Strategy 2.12 MB

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Hack Information:
Dynamite increases rather than decreases!

Game Information
Destruction of structures made of blocks and iron bars. All in accordance with the laws of physics. Enjoy this Demolition City version 1.0.

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mjm5162's avatar
mjm5162      (more than a year ago)


cianh693's avatar
cianh693      (more than a year ago)

if dpetty didnt die of lung cancer he would still be the top hacker for this page insted of selectlol so like this if u aree

awesometom's avatar
awesometom      (more than a year ago)

lol rly im gonna try it :)

911dude's avatar
911dude      (more than a year ago)

ohh iknow i love zombie tralor park but its soooo F***ing hard to beat it though!!

FlametheHedgehog's avatar
FlametheHedgehog      (more than a year ago)

How Nyan Cat was born: Random scientist wonders what would happen if he mixed Cats and poptarts. Explosion of rainbow. Nyan Cat

cyrus212121's avatar
cyrus212121      (more than a year ago)

can somebody hack zombie trailer par and bloons tower defence 4

gamekilla's avatar
gamekilla      (more than a year ago)

fun n hard

heyheyitshayhay's avatar
heyheyitshayhay      (more than a year ago)

lol on lvl 3 i blew it up but a stick went up and made it 24 feet XD only one more SO CLOSE

anson123's avatar
anson123      (more than a year ago)

This is hard

alex3357's avatar
alex3357      (more than a year ago)

holy crap this is hard

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