Bubble Tanks 2 Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Jun 26, 2009 276825 Plays Shooting 1.47 MB

Hacked By: demons936    

Hack Information:
Dead Head 3 drop lots of money. Unlocked extra content and modified bft carrier tank.

Game Information
Similar to BT1, you must travel through giant bubbles, destroying enemy tanks and taking their bubbles to fuel your growth. As you grow, you constantly evolve and get ever better weapons. Ultimately, you'll have to face the ultimate adversary and defeat it to win the game.

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xXGoldenUltimaXx's avatar
xXGoldenUltimaXx      (more than a year ago)

Here's a trick if you're patient. If you're a Heavy 3 and there's no Dead Head 3s but instead a Little Guy, use your Sticky Gun to shoot it over and over. Free bubbles!

xXGoldenUltimaXx's avatar
xXGoldenUltimaXx      (more than a year ago)

What was the Spawn Carrier doing at the tutorial part!?

ACArenaCloser's avatar
ACArenaCloser      (more than a year ago)

Armor Games' sound sounded kinda like Codename Longhorn's startup

Ooficus's avatar
Ooficus     (more than a year ago)

Why do we care about that?

EnderBladepaw's avatar
EnderBladepaw      (more than a year ago)

Is it ok to rehack this?

benjahminL's avatar
benjahminL      (more than a year ago)

i like it

Prismatical's avatar
Prismatical      (more than a year ago)

selectLOL did it again. Best game hacker I w. Keep em coming man.

Jameskhoots's avatar
Jameskhoots     (more than a year ago)

SelectLOL didnt Hack this???
Demons 936 did.

TechMan5402's avatar
TechMan5402      (more than a year ago)

I know a BFT Carrier speed buff was something everyone wanted, but does it have to be faster than sound waves?

Though, this hack and game is pretty fun, 10/10

xHEDIEDTHEREx's avatar
xHEDIEDTHEREx      (more than a year ago)

Anyone know a chart for the levels?
Link? please?

Lanz's avatar
Lanz      (more than a year ago)

Baby mode:Bubbles!!!
Adult mode:Awwww...bubbles,fire the mega cannon!!!!!!

seanunater's avatar
seanunater      (more than a year ago)

i want it so its good c:

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