Bio Assault Hacked

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Game & Hack Information

Mar 25, 2011 8587 Plays Shooting 6.73 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Press A to heal you - S for money - D to have specials ready (you need to buy them before!)

Game Information
Bio Assault is a cyberspace shoot em up that will challenge your pilot skills to sneak into the most advance AI system Destrocom. Your top secret mission is to shutdown its central processing unit.

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oobinator's avatar
oobinator      (more than a year ago)

I guess the game is okay

zombieman1's avatar
zombieman1      (more than a year ago)

what was the game like this but it was like free roam?

unclehack's avatar
unclehack      (more than a year ago)

how to win every level: D2D2D2D2D2D2D2D2D2D2D22D2D2D2D2D2D2

asa5ka5's avatar
asa5ka5      (more than a year ago)

guys just right click then press play then refresh

slycooperpro's avatar
slycooperpro      (more than a year ago)


calkhi's avatar
calkhi      (more than a year ago)

the arcadbomb thing dont go away, remove game plz

Whiteknight345's avatar
Whiteknight345     (more than a year ago)

Refresh it then

Whiteknight345's avatar
Whiteknight345      (more than a year ago)

I only see arcadebomb logo no game

Whiteknight345's avatar
Whiteknight345     (more than a year ago)

Finally got rid of it by refreshing homing missiles rock

Todes's avatar
Todes      (more than a year ago)

once again...if you have an ad blocker TURN IT OFF before you start b1tch1ng about it not working.

its not the game its YOU.

Nitrohan's avatar
Nitrohan     (more than a year ago)

And we see many of idiots out thee because you got minus with your comment but you only try to help people...

Stop downing him you bi*cthes!

Todes's avatar
Todes     (more than a year ago)

i want everybody to enjoy the game that not only the devs worked hard on but the hackers worked hard on as well.

doge266's avatar
doge266     (more than a year ago)

The person who made the game put more work into it then the hackers who just had to change it, its like making a watch and changing the time on it (which is harder? making it or changing)

Todes's avatar
Todes     (more than a year ago)

yeah well ill remember to not help any retard in here from now on when they are too stupid to make a game...good luck n00btards!

Whiteknight345's avatar
Whiteknight345     (more than a year ago)

@Todesgeber your a n00btard for calling people who complain about it.

TheAppleBomb's avatar
TheAppleBomb      (more than a year ago)

good job selectlol

Lucio5LT's avatar
Lucio5LT      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up if u like selectLOL games!

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