Virtual Villagers: A new home Hacked


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Jul 08, 2009 38474 Plays Action 1.96 MB

Hacked By: 8uurg    

Hack Information:
Max Berries and Children can do adult tasks

Game Information
Help the tribe to survive on their new island.

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Shanae101's avatar
Shanae101      (more than a year ago)

Umm........this is reallh bad...I mean IT DOESN'T EVEN WORK!!!!!!! You have to download the demo (The Un-hacked) Version. Aka NO POINT PLAYING! Waste of time!!

suckerup's avatar
suckerup      (more than a year ago)

love this game

PLAYBOYZS's avatar
PLAYBOYZS      (more than a year ago)

Nc game but I cant Use The Tech !!

ivaning30's avatar
ivaning30      (more than a year ago)

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(see description)

why did you hack the price but cant buy anything???

dizzydude1's avatar
dizzydude1      (more than a year ago)

A 22 year old had a baby with a 5 year that even possible???

killerboo's avatar
killerboo     (more than a year ago)

pedophiles... ahh, the things children can think of

Jonathan2012's avatar
Jonathan2012      (more than a year ago)

this dumb local storage pop-up keeps blocking all the games i play

chuvulam*1's avatar
chuvulam*1      (more than a year ago)

why the hell is there only 1 male

Arcuz4512's avatar
Arcuz4512      (more than a year ago)

The children repopulated O_O

simdate's avatar
simdate      (more than a year ago)

well fit the names that are short and cut down some names like for example i want my pancakes cut it down to pancakes

simdate's avatar
simdate      (more than a year ago)

Heres some names you should name you people since,Enter here,Mama Lugi,Chesse,Pee,Mother Beep,I want my pancakes,What you looking at,Faster Faster....,S.....e.....x Lover,Boom Boom BOOM,Lol,Beep Beep,Mario,Justin Pooper,S.hit,I had S.e.x with a meep.

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