Drop Dead 3 (Unhacked Version)

lightbutton Play Drop Dead 3

Game & Hack Information

Apr 09, 2011 5424 Plays Arcade 7.15 MB

Game Information
The King has been kidnapped, so DROP DEAD! Fling rag-dolls and watch them explode once again. Contains more blood and explosions than before, and missiles! 15 playable characters, boss fights, in-game editor...

Use mouse to throw around the rag-dolls and other loose objects. Damage the dolls to get points, and unlock new stuff with high total score in normal mode. Press space to jump.

NOTE: Destroy every single piece of the rag-doll to get a disappearing act and end the level!

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6604 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Godmode

Hacked By: leverage419

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Hacked By: selectLOL



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Gunyadown's avatar
Gunyadown      (more than a year ago)

67496 On T-Rex

Gunyadown's avatar
Gunyadown      (more than a year ago)

Fun game I killed T-Rex in normal mode with 52081 on the level. Beat the developers.

Tomsteraw's avatar
Tomsteraw      (more than a year ago)

This game is good. Can't kill T-Rex easily but its possible. In free play hahahaha

RAZER1's avatar
RAZER1      (more than a year ago)

kill urself in this game XD

RAZER1's avatar
RAZER1      (more than a year ago)


RAZER1's avatar
RAZER1      (more than a year ago)

nut it loads slow

RAZER1's avatar
RAZER1      (more than a year ago)


testserverftw's avatar
testserverftw      (more than a year ago)

oh man i want to know where they get all of these bears to kill

Zonflare's avatar
Zonflare      (more than a year ago)

Yes,I agree.This game is much funner when hacked,but it gets boring,due to having NOTHING to unlock.Very boring..better unhacked.(Not funner though)

frank11's avatar
frank11      (more than a year ago)

better unhacked

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