Valiance Hacked

lightbutton Play Valiance Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Apr 14, 2011 5404 Plays Adventure 795 B

Hacked By: Blank    

Hack Information:
Key Hacks: 1 Add 1000 Coins - 2 Restore Health To Full

Game Information
The princess has been kidnapped and a valiant youth with the ability to control gravity sets out to rescue her. Clear platforms, defeat enemies, and collect coins to purchase upgrades in the shop.

Arrow Keys - Move/Jump & double jump
D - Attack
Space-bar - Reverse Gravity

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sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)


jackson60781's avatar
jackson60781      (more than a year ago)


joeisawe's avatar
joeisawe      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up if you read the comment when you are waiting for the game to load and I am not a noob I am a expert gamer and I have an account on Arcadeprehacks

npatterson10's avatar
npatterson10      (more than a year ago)


Alex1000pvp's avatar
Alex1000pvp      (more than a year ago)

Both game and hack Rule..!

Tyking919's avatar
Tyking919      (more than a year ago)

this game is good and so is the hack so the hacker is good too

blueyoshi's avatar
blueyoshi      (more than a year ago)

idk why but good game!

Brute's avatar
Brute      (more than a year ago)

good game
good hack

gatorheads3's avatar
gatorheads3          (more than a year ago)

Agree.. don't know why people are thumbing you down.

radior123's avatar
radior123     (more than a year ago)

cause there noobs who think there being funnie

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