Hacked By: selectLOL
Hack Information:
Dieing gives you lives.
Game Information
Down In The Dumps... there lives a bubble gum named Gummo! Swing, fling, sling, float and roll through the underground using your unusual skills!
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Energy - [2] Speed - [3] Stamina - [4] E...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [G] Win level - [H] Toggle ammo
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Lives - [2] T...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Godmode - [D] Toggle Sp - [F] Tog...
Hacked By: leverage419
ok game
cant beat the BOSS
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