Chav Hunter Hacked

lightbutton Play Chav Hunter Unhacked

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Apr 18, 2011 7499 Plays Shooting 739.24 KB

Hacked By: Deathnote202    

Hack Information:
Level Passwords 1-6

Game Information
Kill the target!

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Kung Fu Granpa

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arachader's avatar
arachader      (more than a year ago)


cscamper111's avatar
cscamper111      (more than a year ago)

the game is boring a little

jedimidget's avatar
jedimidget      (more than a year ago)

this game is so retarded and u hav 2 shoot them in da hat

kylesugi's avatar
kylesugi      (more than a year ago)

how do u beats the levl where u wrek the mcdonalds and kill the chavs

j0hnny's avatar
j0hnny      (more than a year ago)

wtf there is no fourth lvl password

syang6's avatar
syang6      (more than a year ago)

on the 5th lvl wheres the third guy shooting??

singletary9's avatar
singletary9     (more than a year ago)

ya what the hell is with that????????????????

singletary9's avatar
singletary9     (more than a year ago)

instead of a sniper i need a bazooka

neptuper1234's avatar
neptuper1234     (more than a year ago)


JackieMoon66's avatar
JackieMoon66      (more than a year ago)

the hack owned but the game was like watching old people have secks

Ant_2's avatar
Ant_2     (more than a year ago)

pretty good then :)

Nitrohan's avatar
Nitrohan     (more than a year ago)

Ant you are disgusting XD

marill345's avatar
marill345      (more than a year ago)

I like it

Nitrohan's avatar
Nitrohan      (more than a year ago)

Like it good game.

sgtqwerty's avatar
sgtqwerty      (more than a year ago)

wow no comment how long is it on already? but good game game and hack

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