Hacked By: Blank
Hack Information:
Hack Bar: 9 Acquire All Weapons - 4 Add Ammo - 5 Add Devices (bombs, turrets, etc)
Game Information
Protect your flame, the Pepper Nymph from invading giant insects. Use an arsenal of spicy chili peppers weapons to stop the villains in their tracks.
WASD - Move
X/double tap WASD - Jump Over Barricade
Mouse - Aim
Left Click - Fire Weapon
Q - Heal Nymph or Barricade
E - Select Device
F - Use Device
R - Reload
Space-bar - Inventory (weapons)
I - Controls Menu
1 - Cycle Through Handguns
2 - Cycle Through Rifles
3 - Cycle Through Rocket Launchers
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Shots - [2] Wi...
Hacked By: leverage419
i am addicted to this game!!!! i cant turn off my pc!!!
its an awsome game every one go on addicted games
soooo cool and addictive XD
u know wut i becha it is
Really really Addictive!!! XD
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