Redhatman Hacked

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Apr 21, 2011 7257 Plays Puzzle 32.78 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

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Game Information
Help Redhatman get to exit. Arrange the elements so that the Redhatman could get to door. You can use items from inventory. When a Redhatman touches one of them, something happens.

Note: you see the changes after a refresh of the game menu.

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healer56heal's avatar
healer56heal      (more than a year ago)

toxic 420 youre not smart,youre not a sientist,youre not a doctor,youre not even a fulltime employee,where did your life go so wrong?-Glados and Me.

Isnanityman's avatar
Isnanityman      (more than a year ago)

Is this game like the battlefield for troll wars or something?

toxic420's avatar
toxic420      (more than a year ago)

Who the f*uck are you? Trust me your opinion doesn't matter to me. So please go back to watching ikea you little virgin.

Somedudeinhome's avatar
Somedudeinhome      (more than a year ago)

@below, believe me, ur not famous, ppl barely know u

toxic420's avatar
toxic420      (more than a year ago)

Dude you still going on about this? Grow up KID. Am i that famous that you have to constantly keep talking about me?

Isnanityman's avatar
Isnanityman      (more than a year ago)

I remember a guy named toxic from an MMO I play. He was an annoying jerk who constantly killed people for no reason.Then he got scared that he'd get owned and quit. I think Toxic420s personality matches with the guy i'm talking about.

Isnanityman's avatar
Isnanityman      (more than a year ago)

Thumbs up if Toxic should be banned. And that he's a loser with anger issues.

kittykatz's avatar
kittykatz      (more than a year ago)

completly SHITE

Somedudeinhome's avatar
Somedudeinhome      (more than a year ago)

@toxic420, dude ur tellin' ppl tht they are trolls but the only thing is tht U are the only troll in here, n @DarthVada: srsly? Call of duty? whats wrong with u, btw i dont care about thumbs up or down or also trollers, just let them talk

nitrozing's avatar
nitrozing      (more than a year ago)

why isnt any one talking about the game

game was okay

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