Lofty Tower 2 Hacked

lightbutton Play Lofty Tower 2 Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

May 02, 2011 5216 Plays Puzzle 4.41 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Press clear data to unlock all levels.

Game Information
Construct a tower meets the height required with the provided blocks. The taller the tower you built, the higher score you got.

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Hacked By: selectLOL



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jpserenas's avatar
jpserenas      (more than a year ago)

what is clear data

dudu4552's avatar
dudu4552     (more than a year ago)

a button Oo

Vindictus's avatar
Vindictus      (more than a year ago)

Game- Only got to level 13 then got bored.. Graphic are kinda good though.
Hack- Didn't use it 1/10

porky's avatar
porky      (more than a year ago)

We need more then "ALL LEVELS UNLOCKED" that would be nice to have a hack within the game rather then being able to play all levels.

Rann's avatar
Rann      (more than a year ago)

It's like someone learned the "unlock levels" trick and has just been going through Newgrounds as a list.

Wish this rather pointless sort of hack would be put on its own site.

aussiewarfare's avatar
aussiewarfare      (more than a year ago)

my milkshake brings all the boys to the yaaaaaaaaaaard

DPrules101210's avatar
DPrules101210      (more than a year ago)

Wtf is this ( no offense but Dave petty would say this isnt a good game)

sirleoxc's avatar
sirleoxc      (more than a year ago)

mine says this has been disabled! DDDD:

DragonForce916's avatar
DragonForce916      (more than a year ago)

Added on: May 03, 2011

Date: May 2, 2011.

Fail lol.

Djlive6's avatar
Djlive6     (more than a year ago)

Dude. select lives in a different time zone than you.

Djlive6's avatar
Djlive6     (more than a year ago)

Dude. select lives in a different time zone than you.

netgear123's avatar
netgear123      (more than a year ago)


gg229's avatar
gg229      (more than a year ago)

The game doesnt work -.-

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