Hacked By: demonofbirth
Hack Information:
Exp gained from monsters , added SOME dialogue, some of the weapons stats. NO gold hack, not much hacks will be on during the tutorial. please read in game dialogue for my hints.
Game Information
This is chapter 1 of Mardek, it is more like the prequil to chapter 2... this game has almost an hour of game time while chapter 2 has 10 hours! I will be hacking and submitting chapter 2 as soon as possible PLEASE READ ALL IN GAME DIALOGUE.
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Ammo - [2] Win Level
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Flasks - [3] Bombs
Hacked By: leverage419
its not cool because we don't know the hacks and we will get in-game hints
this the old version
To make the prolouge's boss "The dragon" Easier, in the next version it's stats has been lowered.
In the newest version, you can run from battles, as long as you are strong enough.
Well The actual "The Dragon"'s level will be fixed to level 40 on the updated version. This version says its level 70.
wtf im thoughtn there was health hack
lol my allyu got killed by dragon XD (noobs... really...)
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