Hacked By: dalvo
Hack Information:
lvl hack, exp, health, gold, all weapons, strength, and faster magic refill.
Game Information
Take control of a knight in this cool adventure RPG game.
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Units Health - [2] Spells - [3] Co...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Godmode - [D] Toggle Jump
Hacked By: leverage419
this game sucks even more hacked then unhacked which sucks more!!1 thump up if u agree or thumsp down if u dont
Wtf that game sucks
This is my only favourite game
Your English sucks Balrog
You are right HolyPaladin. I Think that he don`t knows english
Haclreview your spelling is bad ASWELL! It's meant to be 'I think he doesn't know English'
sorry for the wehn and satrts on the end of comments i put srong i mean When and Starts.
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