Nyan Cat: Lost in Space Hacked

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Game & Hack Information

May 17, 2011 42281 Plays Arcade 1.72 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: 1 Bubblecat - 2 Supercat - 3 Rocketcat - 4 Crackcat - 5 Magnetcat

Game Information
Gather as many food and drinks as you can with NYAN CAT! Warning: NYAN CAT: Lost in Space with music is seriously addictive! Play with NYAN CAT only at your own risk!

  • Currently 4.5/5
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Sagitarus's avatar
Sagitarus      (more than a year ago)

to activate the bug use the super nyan hack at the time where nyan cat is in its red face and shaky animation and boom u officialy got undead nyan cat

Sagitarus's avatar
Sagitarus      (more than a year ago)

bruh i found a bug where if activate super nyan as u take damage or fall of the stage the game thinks ur dead but your not and you cant collect anything and u cant jump either and when out of power you resume to the cat died animation weird ik

AnotherFreak98's avatar
AnotherFreak98      (more than a year ago)

Cracknyan best

slambo312's avatar
slambo312     (more than a year ago)

ME 2:D

draconiandudeman's avatar
draconiandudeman      (more than a year ago)


KalilGamer22's avatar
KalilGamer22      (more than a year ago)

If you spam a powerup you can infinitely jump lke bubble kat

GodModeGamer's avatar
GodModeGamer      (more than a year ago)

crack nyan all day!!!! 5 stars love this game XD thumbs up if u agree

nikolaxprt's avatar
nikolaxprt      (more than a year ago)


razor1432's avatar
razor1432      (more than a year ago)

This game is fun and I love it I LOVE THE CRACK NYAN

TheOneAboveAll's avatar
TheOneAboveAll      (more than a year ago)

The Nyan Cat game and music are seriously
addictive! play with Nyan Cat at your own risk.

UmAssassino's avatar
UmAssassino     (more than a year ago)

I read it on the Game Information :D

loganimel's avatar
loganimel      (more than a year ago)


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