Diepix Arena 2 Hacked

lightbutton Play Diepix Arena 2 Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

May 27, 2011 19595 Plays Shooting 36.9 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 4 Toggle Health - 5 Upgrade Points - 6 Power Up (Slot 1) (2-4) - 7 Power Up (Slot 2) (5-7) - 8 Power Up (Slot 3) (8-9)

Requested By: tom23

Game Information
Fight against 50 waves of enemies in this action-packed shooter flash game. Play Diepix Arena 2 .

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Hacked By: leverage419



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ethan782w's avatar
ethan782w      (more than a year ago)

guys i found glith when i was playing i right clicked and hit rewind and i went back to the main menu and my ship was still there also the enemies where there
and the enemies where still moving

ethan782w's avatar
ethan782w     (more than a year ago)

ignore this comment

dinoman83's avatar
dinoman83      (more than a year ago)


Stormblaster's avatar
Stormblaster      (more than a year ago)

Some People HACK ALL, I hate this! Then the game is boring, u play 10 seconds and then you have all upgradet at lv. 999... . There is no fun anymore !?!

shadowwolfhalo's avatar
shadowwolfhalo      (more than a year ago)

not loading

thinker's avatar
thinker      (more than a year ago)

although the game would be ruined if you added an upgrade points hack.

leverage419's avatar
leverage419           (more than a year ago)

Not ashame at all. This game is so encrypted(not to put into details coz it meaningless since you will not understand it at all.)@TsarBomba

unclehack's avatar
unclehack     (more than a year ago)

U did ur best!!

TsarBomba's avatar
TsarBomba      (more than a year ago)

yeah its a shame about the upgrade points but you could adjust the levelling up to make it faster but well idk you could try it

nightmareXIII's avatar
nightmareXIII      (more than a year ago)

awsome game,too bad u could not find the upgrade hack,but it's still awsome,maybe better

juicymixx's avatar
juicymixx      (more than a year ago)

EXCELLENT GAME.. the music was intense! great hack!

Jptk's avatar
Jptk      (more than a year ago)

This game was made by a brazilian!!!

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