Ben 10 in Mario World Hacked

lightbutton Play Ben 10 in Mario World Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

May 27, 2011 12992 Plays Arcade 1.88 MB

Hacked By: Anonymous

Hack Information:
Lives Increase

Game Information
Ben 10 in Mario World must avoid hazards to beat level.

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GameCrusher2Hack's avatar
GameCrusher2Hack      (more than a year ago)

press Z to shoot when your heatblast. like this too.

GameCrusher2Hack's avatar
GameCrusher2Hack      (more than a year ago)

you have to push the X key to jump guys. like if you know now.

anthonyjason15's avatar
anthonyjason15      (more than a year ago)

What is this? I mean, it has no purpose other than being one of those christmas JPEG images that you click and get some christmas websites with crappy Ben 10 games.

njitram45's avatar
njitram45      (more than a year ago)


googoobear's avatar
googoobear      (more than a year ago)


But I like your other hacks.:)

losteyepro's avatar
losteyepro      (more than a year ago)

if u start games it comes up fromtoongames my name is toon -_-

Tasion's avatar
Tasion      (more than a year ago)

This game sucks.
:One transformation
:REally boring
:Thumbs down on the game
:Select LOL better than this :Music Sucks Thumbs up if you agree thumbs down if you love this game

agneev13's avatar
agneev13     (more than a year ago)


TwiztedKillerz's avatar
TwiztedKillerz     (more than a year ago)

this game sucks azz

lolliman's avatar
lolliman      (more than a year ago)

el que dice que es el mejor juego ponen
si dicen que es aburido ponen menos (osea -)

lolliman's avatar
lolliman      (more than a year ago)

which says it is the best game put
if they say they are boring place less (so -)

geddes90's avatar
geddes90      (more than a year ago)

pree gay

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