Master of catapult 3 Hacked

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Game & Hack Information

Jun 04, 2011 5336 Plays Arcade 1.94 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
All levels unlocked

Game Information
Ancient machines evolved and captured the people of the planet. Get rid of old machines. Destroy them using a catapult and improved bomb. You can gain extra points if you get the artifacts. Collect bonuses. In this game are 50 levels. The complexity of the game increases from level to level. Good luck!

Throwing range of the catapult depends on the location of the warrior. The farther the warrior from the beginning of the catapult, the catapult shot weaker. Ancient warrior begins to move when you press the left mouse button. If you release the mouse button, then catapult shoot a fireball.

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Hacked By: selectLOL



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gameman02's avatar
gameman02      (more than a year ago)

777vasil is a dik cuz he lies

gameman02's avatar
gameman02      (more than a year ago)


gameman02's avatar
gameman02      (more than a year ago)

777vasil is a flabbergastation cuz he lies

gameman02's avatar
gameman02      (more than a year ago)

eveyone stop god dam complaining about the loading taking so god dam long it could just be your computer being slow so stop complaining !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gameman02's avatar
gameman02      (more than a year ago)

eveyone stop god dam complaining about the loading taking so god dam long it could just be your computer being slow so stop complaining about the LOADING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mrmrcake's avatar
mrmrcake      (more than a year ago)

it would be nice if they expand to more than all levels. but still it is hacking...

Cooldude901's avatar
Cooldude901      (more than a year ago)

777VASIL IS A DIK COZ HE DOESN'T KNOW WAT HACKING IS and umm im not sure if this happened to you guys but i only got to play 1 level then it says i win the game??? and i read in the game info there is 50 levels so WTF HAPPENED TO ME!!????

KID893's avatar
KID893     (more than a year ago)

i feel you im just did the same thing wtf is going on with arcadeprehacks now?

kyle20096's avatar
kyle20096      (more than a year ago)

hell yeah what rtyuiop said ive been apart of aph for years now and me and selectlol are good friends ive known him ever since he started hacking he is just as good as dave or martin and i know them to so 777vasil shut the jump up you little retard!!

rtyuiop's avatar
rtyuiop      (more than a year ago)

@777vasil selectLOL is awesome he makes awesome hacks he is like a dpetty or ristov

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