Wizard Of Fart Hacked

lightbutton Play Wizard Of Fart Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Jun 06, 2011 5747 Plays Arcade 1.78 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: 1 Instant win (you still need to wait until the dance is finished) - 2 Add life (may mess up the life display)

Game Information
WSAD to move wizard, Mouse to direct fireball and LMB to shoot. Make other people farting.

  • Currently 2.5/5
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113078 plays                       

Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Heal player - [2] Heal base - [3] Resourc...

Hacked By: selectLOL



9219 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Godmode - [2] Bits

Hacked By: leverage419

Fossil Blastr

Fossil Blastr

8136 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Time - [2] Fossils Remain --

Hacked By: leverage419

Virus Buster

Virus Buster

3840 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Win level - [D] Random next pill

Hacked By: selectLOL



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sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

this was lame

STEELBOSS's avatar
STEELBOSS      (more than a year ago)

WTF wat happened wat? why? :{

firecar34's avatar
firecar34      (more than a year ago)

this is on the 1sr page ever on this game (dont fum down)

firecar34's avatar
firecar34      (more than a year ago)

this is not childish dianou said it is

kesinger's avatar
kesinger      (more than a year ago)

haha fffffffffffaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttt

hasnain644's avatar
hasnain644      (more than a year ago)

guyzz dont thumbs down to empty post because they r not!! just below the thumbnail click "show user's post"

Srijan's avatar
Srijan      (more than a year ago)

What is going on my wizard keeps going downwards and when i press w he goes right HELP!!!!!!!!!!

dianou's avatar
dianou      (more than a year ago)

Childish, dumb, and boring game. Good hacks, though.

MrTiarnanq's avatar
MrTiarnanq      (more than a year ago)

Buckin' Awesome

hasnain644's avatar
hasnain644      (more than a year ago)

if i get 100 thumbs up i will fart so big that my bottom blows off and this news comes on cnn!!

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