Space Invaders Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Aug 03, 2009 28046 Plays Action 19.64 KB

Hacked By: Bloodfeast    

Hack Information:
1337 Lives, A first row ship gives 1000 points, Second row ship = 2000 pts, Third row = 4000pts.

Game Information
A classic game of space invaders! Shoot the aliens!

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BotCommander's avatar
BotCommander      (more than a year ago)


Gangsta23's avatar
Gangsta23      (more than a year ago)

lol on on xbox theres a game called total miner forge and u can play a game called space invaders just like this looks exactly like XD lol

wheatly's avatar
wheatly      (more than a year ago)

to slow

TheCheeseMaster's avatar
TheCheeseMaster      (more than a year ago)

you should be able to fire more then one bullet!!

J&L)'s avatar
J&L)      (more than a year ago)

space invaders rules

Tonurai's avatar
Tonurai      (more than a year ago)

Slow and boring.

Maxxinator22's avatar
Maxxinator22     (more than a year ago)

Try saying that to somebody born way before you, jackass.

cooldudecool2424's avatar
cooldudecool2424      (more than a year ago)

1337 lifes...
was that purposely put there?

Bloodfeast's avatar
Bloodfeast          (more than a year ago)


Diablo1755's avatar
Diablo1755      (more than a year ago)

slow as ****

HolyShadowEthan's avatar
HolyShadowEthan      (more than a year ago)

to slow

Bloodfeast's avatar
Bloodfeast           (more than a year ago)

Yes, yes. Stop complaining that it's slow. I get it. I knew that. I just found some version of alien invaders and decided to hack it.

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