Heroes United - The Alpha Team Hacked

lightbutton Play Heroes United - The Alpha Team Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Jun 23, 2011 11645 Plays Action 173 B

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Hack Information:
Key Hacks: Press 1 Refill Health - 2 Toggle Health - 3 1000 Coins

Game Information
Heroes - The Alpha Team free online games from FunFast Game. Help the Alpha Team saving the world from the hand of the robots. In this flash games you will meet The Soldier, The Jumper, The Blower and The Commando. Each have they own unique skill and common goal to save mankind. Hero - The Alpha Team, mankind last stand against the Robots. Heroes United - The Alpha Team includes 6 level each with Boss, 4 characters with special skills and 5 gun level.

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luburn's avatar
luburn      (more than a year ago)


zune214's avatar
zune214      (more than a year ago)


fabian8899's avatar
fabian8899      (more than a year ago)

super game

uberstrikezaheer's avatar
uberstrikezaheer      (more than a year ago)

can i get a thumbs up just for nothing....

morcozor's avatar
morcozor     (more than a year ago)


luciferthehack's avatar
luciferthehack      (more than a year ago)


Assasin363's avatar
Assasin363      (more than a year ago)

Why cant i move?? is it jst my computer or the game? reply please

MrWillwerth's avatar
MrWillwerth      (more than a year ago)

awsome game
awsome hacker dpetty

TheBlackOps's avatar
TheBlackOps      (more than a year ago)

I just read all the comments and it hasnt loaded.

wareagle892's avatar
wareagle892      (more than a year ago)

dpetty rocks

dadia1's avatar
dadia1      (more than a year ago)

essa pora NAO FUNCIONA!

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