Xonix 3d Hacked

lightbutton Play Xonix 3d Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Jun 28, 2011 9569 Plays Arcade 33.93 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Lives - 2 Time - 3 Speed up - 4 Slow enemies.

Game Information
Use WASD or arrows to move.Cut off parts of the field to finish the level. Don't cross your trail or you will lose life. Don't collide with the balls or you will lose life. If the ball crosses you trail you will lose life.

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Darkbutt33's avatar
Darkbutt33      (more than a year ago)

speed up doesnt work

Darkbutt33's avatar
Darkbutt33      (more than a year ago)


jesen67's avatar
jesen67      (more than a year ago)


KaptainPow's avatar
KaptainPow      (more than a year ago)

This is a rip off of pac-xon. Look it up.

Mani1's avatar
Mani1      (more than a year ago)

gandi game

ultimentman's avatar
ultimentman      (more than a year ago)

Thank you slow hack!!
Made the later levels with the things that would just keep going even through the walls much easier to deal with.
Game - 3/5 since it isn't too original
Hack - 5/5. Starting to show your true promise again :)

ezzomahfouz's avatar
ezzomahfouz      (more than a year ago)

This game is.....is.....is....just beautiful *wind in my hair standing on a hill with the music in the game*

G1K's avatar
G1K      (more than a year ago)

these kinda of games are a good time wasting

suemsrocks's avatar
suemsrocks      (more than a year ago)

like pac-xon

MISTERAMD's avatar
MISTERAMD      (more than a year ago)

Nice good game

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