Daily Life 1 Hacked

lightbutton Play Daily Life 1 Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Jul 08, 2011 43832 Plays RPG 918.46 KB

Hacked By: Themanhunt    

Hack Information:
Days - 999999999 money - Hard to get sick

Requested By: Huntsss

Game Information
Welcome to the game of life! A smart and fun game that lets you experience life in the online world. Find work, Choose your degree and learn at the university, visit malls and buy cool stuff for your house, go out to night clubs and many more as you try to completing all the challenges of the Daily Life! Each time you will be handed different missions and goals. Good luck!

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Monstercat's avatar
Monstercat      (more than a year ago)

WTF :v Gay started pack

MCFan35's avatar
MCFan35      (more than a year ago)

'CONGRATULATION!!!' Congratulations!!!* 'You graduated FROM Surgeon' to* :P

MCFan35's avatar
MCFan35      (more than a year ago)

XD I REMEMBER THIS GAME!!! I LAST PLAYED IT WHEN I LIKED IT. BUT NOW... I LOVE IT!!! LOL. I hate people who ask for likes, like if you agree. LOL (Please don't hate for my g4mr m8 l0L)

sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

I don't know what to do I just had him go around flirting and kissing everyone in sight

Armageddon0199's avatar
Armageddon0199      (more than a year ago)

yay,we have an option to be gay!

fancy4's avatar
fancy4      (more than a year ago)

wtf whole time i am hungry i am sleepy becuse i am total idoit how can a human be so crazy wait 5 min i am hungry now he make me hungry!!!

MINECRAFTkk's avatar
MINECRAFTkk      (more than a year ago)


MINECRAFTkk's avatar
MINECRAFTkk      (more than a year ago)

dafaq i press play thenit say thief stole all me money nooooooooo!

DrakenElite's avatar
DrakenElite      (more than a year ago)

i made him kiss guy he be gay........ O.O 8===========D0=============8

logitechuser's avatar
logitechuser      (more than a year ago)


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