Heaven or Hell 2 Hacked

lightbutton Play Heaven or Hell 2 Unhacked

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Aug 12, 2011 33653 Plays Strategy 40.45 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackmenu: Press A Money (Buy something to update it) - S Health for all units

Game Information
Battle against the forces of Hell in this epic strategy game. Upgrade your forces and face increasingly difficult odds as you fight the evil minions of Hell.

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supernat111's avatar
supernat111      (more than a year ago)

Hmmm tried 4 times now still a white screen...

npr99's avatar
npr99      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up if you wants the halos to be hacked (nimbus)

CRAZYtecno's avatar
CRAZYtecno      (more than a year ago)

Thumbs up if you like this game

hacky2's avatar
hacky2      (more than a year ago)

wtf once i started death match it wont lemme do anythin

Aadvik2101's avatar
Aadvik2101     (more than a year ago)


Sonicxlegend's avatar
Sonicxlegend      (more than a year ago)


microbro's avatar
microbro      (more than a year ago)

the game is ok

krimtian29's avatar
krimtian29      (more than a year ago)

nice game

microbro's avatar
microbro     (more than a year ago)


epicginger3's avatar
epicginger3      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up if you like

leasen's avatar
leasen      (more than a year ago)

if its just white screen u need to reload internet page. first time i played it hacked it was also just white but then i reloaded and it was working.
like comment if you like heaven :D

lolman4u's avatar
lolman4u      (more than a year ago)

god. a glitchy screen with just sound effects? SRIROUSLY!

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