Nanobeast Hacked

lightbutton Play Nanobeast Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Aug 13, 2011 45397 Plays Shooting 42.93 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Speed - 2 Power - 3 Fire rate - 4 Bombs - 5 Lives

Game Information
The game is a challenging retro shooter with a unique upgrade system that involves collecting power-ups. However, when you collect a power-up (P) that does not mean you have upgraded immediately. You get to choose how to use those power-ups to upgrade your general stats:
- speed of your ship (you need 1 power-up)
- power of your weapon (you need 2 power-ups)
- fire rate of your weapon (you need 3 power-ups)
- bombs (you need 4 power-ups)
- lives (you need 5 power-ups)

There are 2 additional weapons to be collected as you play: missiles and side gun.

There are 27 to be achieved, go get them!!!


Use the arrow keys to move
Press 'A' to shoot left
Press 'D' to shoot right
Press 'S' to activate your current power-up level
Press 'W' to release a bomb

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FrozenFang's avatar
FrozenFang      (more than a year ago)

Characters only say "Blah"

gelogelo's avatar
gelogelo      (more than a year ago)

Everyone is talking about SelectLoL and DPETTY.What about leverage419? Hes always making great hacks but somehow everyone forgets about him.

sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

still a boring shooter

SilverToxic's avatar
SilverToxic      (more than a year ago)

Controls are phuuscking tricky!

Darkhacker's avatar
Darkhacker      (more than a year ago)

SelectLOL is ONE of the best...We must never forget the great Dave Petty who left an excellent legacy behind on here.

artsero's avatar
artsero      (more than a year ago)

hacked by selectlol, makes the game better

karimmotawei's avatar
karimmotawei      (more than a year ago)

selectLOL you are the best hacker thumbs up if you think as me

kulchawarrior's avatar
kulchawarrior     (more than a year ago)

You forgot about good old DPetty

Shepherd's avatar
Shepherd      (more than a year ago)

Can't continue.

Shepherd's avatar
Shepherd      (more than a year ago)

I'm stuck in the beginning :3

maxph's avatar
maxph      (more than a year ago)


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