Game Information
The game is a challenging retro shooter with a unique upgrade system that involves collecting power-ups. However, when you collect a power-up (P) that does not mean you have upgraded immediately. You get to choose how to use those power-ups to upgrade your general stats:
- speed of your ship (you need 1 power-up)
- power of your weapon (you need 2 power-ups)
- fire rate of your weapon (you need 3 power-ups)
- bombs (you need 4 power-ups)
- lives (you need 5 power-ups)
There are 2 additional weapons to be collected as you play: missiles and side gun.
There are 27 to be achieved, go get them!!!
Use the arrow keys to move
Press 'A' to shoot left
Press 'D' to shoot right
Press 'S' to activate your current power-up level
Press 'W' to release a bomb
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Health - [2] Win Level
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