Alight (in dreams) Hacked

lightbutton Play Alight (in dreams) Unhacked

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Aug 13, 2011 8617 Plays Arcade 38.83 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Unlimited Fly - 2 Candle - 3 Feather - 4 Glock

Game Information
In your dreams you can fly. Make your way through the dream.

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axethetank's avatar
axethetank      (more than a year ago)

lovalovalova it thanks selectLOL

legolover12's avatar
legolover12      (more than a year ago)


lamoyq's avatar
lamoyq      (more than a year ago)

amazing game it sent me back to my childhood

Gokussj5's avatar
Gokussj5      (more than a year ago)


LoserBoi's avatar
LoserBoi      (more than a year ago)

interesting game the story good too!

dionit's avatar
dionit      (more than a year ago)

people! before you thumps down comments in blank, try clicking on the button that says "Show users posts", then give your thumps, up or down

LucifersAngel's avatar
LucifersAngel     (more than a year ago)

we do actually, but they always have something stupid, that's why they get disliked so much

kkkkoolboy's avatar
kkkkoolboy      (more than a year ago)

magictiger39@ maybe i want to play :P

7hunterz's avatar
7hunterz      (more than a year ago)

good if your bored

metamorlipse's avatar
metamorlipse      (more than a year ago)

the hack is very good and game too very interesting

slic100's avatar
slic100      (more than a year ago)

sliverhawk is right if u dont like a game be cool bout it keep it 2 ur self dont be a dush bag

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