Undeath or Dying Hacked

lightbutton Play Undeath or Dying Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Aug 17, 2011 5902 Plays Arcade 4.08 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle health On/Off - 2 +1 Grenade - [3 - 6] Switch weapon

Game Information
Our home planet is under attack. Again our heroes been call to save man kind. Dead or Alive 2 is a flash action shooting game with a lot of enemy and multi weapons.

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13717 plays                       

Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Win Level

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Hacked By: selectLOL



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sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

this is a very lame attempt at a game all the character does is stand there walking in place and all the enemies look the same and only one hit to kill

Bobmarleyxx11's avatar
Bobmarleyxx11      (more than a year ago)


SakinaKhan's avatar
SakinaKhan      (more than a year ago)

im pretty sure is undead not undeath

WhatBitches's avatar
WhatBitches      (more than a year ago)

Damn jump!!!

Privatesheperd's avatar
Privatesheperd      (more than a year ago)

not really good game

DarthVader77's avatar
DarthVader77      (more than a year ago)


LucifersAngel's avatar
LucifersAngel      (more than a year ago)

i would have died in like 10seconds o.o......im glad for the hack

aphacks's avatar
aphacks      (more than a year ago)

2 sorts of enemy
2 bosses

COMPUTERHERO      (more than a year ago)

pretty stupid game doesn't look like the creator didn't even try. 1/5 just for making a game.

Piemanfire's avatar
Piemanfire     (more than a year ago)

Double negative fail.

noobsaibot88's avatar
noobsaibot88      (more than a year ago)

Undeath and Undead are both the same except for that Undeath is the MidEvil way of saiyng it.So problem solved.:P

david12376's avatar
david12376     (more than a year ago)

no undeath isnt even a word

jakminster's avatar
jakminster     (more than a year ago)

i know

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