Zombie Alien Parasites Hacked

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Game & Hack Information

Aug 19, 2011 15296 Plays Arcade 38.84 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle health - 2 Bombs - 3 Ship EXP (Buy something or refresh shop.) - 4 Weapon EXP (Buy something or refresh shop.) - 5 Money (Buy something or refresh shop.)

Game Information
High-quality side-scrolling shooter with a deep customization system of several ships, weapons, and gadgets! Fight intense bosses in each of the 6 main levels, and unlock 6 additional hidden levels on your way!

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bantar's avatar
bantar      (more than a year ago)


Firesnake7244's avatar
Firesnake7244      (more than a year ago)


SteelHeart's avatar
SteelHeart      (more than a year ago)

i think they would say Take us to your brains! ... in gangster thats GIVE US YOUR MOTHER ****ING BRAINS YO! ......idk why i added the gangster lol :p

Somgosomgo's avatar
Somgosomgo      (more than a year ago)

you hate blank comments right?

Iceangell's avatar
Iceangell      (more than a year ago)

Zombe alians would say Brains in thier luanguage...parasites are much much worse...

AngelicDefender's avatar
AngelicDefender      (more than a year ago)

@doge266: They would say "We come in pieces. Take us to your brains..."

BattlePirate101's avatar
BattlePirate101      (more than a year ago)

it doesn't load for ME!! some 404 error...

Somgosomgo's avatar
Somgosomgo      (more than a year ago)

all the weaponry and all other things are kinda illogical in the game

JSLK's avatar
JSLK      (more than a year ago)

got kind of boring

ultramanx119's avatar
ultramanx119     (more than a year ago)

your face got boring the first time i even saw it.

doge266's avatar
doge266      (more than a year ago)

What would Zombie Aliens say anyways? Braaaiiinnnss?

jotabeas's avatar
jotabeas     (more than a year ago)

Yes,sure they say brains,but in alien language...maybe it sounds like Zyooorblaaaaggh

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